Building Peace and Connectivity through Research and Dialogue


To promote understanding and confidence between Afghanistan and its neighbours, among the peoples and countries of the region and between regional and international entities, the Heart of Asia Society (HAS) dialogue initiatives. Our dialogue initiatives seek is to facilitate exchanges of information, analysis and promote interaction – all necessary actions for enhancing regional cooperation.  

Our flagship project, in partnership with the Center on International Cooperation (CIC) at New York University and the Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies (CHS) in Doha, is an ongoing series of high-level Track 2 discussions involving scholars and specialists from Afghanistan and major regional and international partners with a stake in the Afghan peace process.

Overall, we utilise our in-house capabilities and draw on those of our Afghan and international partners to:

• Organise ad hoc and regular ‘track 2’ and ‘track 1.5’ dialogues involving serving and former government officials, policy makers, academics and civil society actors;

• Organise conferences, expert guest lectures, workshops and other events involving various segments of academia, policy makers and civil society from regional countries, with a particular focus on women’s groups, youth, athletes, and other interest groups; and

• Facilitate joint initiatives involving Afghan and regional actors, with a particular focus on seeking solutions for areas of common interest such as entrepreneurship, cultural heritage, environmental, tourism and etc.

HAS Hosts Consultations on Creating Framework for Intra-Afghan Peace Negotiations

HAS Hosts Consultations on Creating Framework for Intra-Afghan Peace Negotiations

During the winter of 2019-20, the Heart of Asia Society hosted a series of intensive, high level consultations and meetings with Afghanistan's political and civil society leaders to develop a
Experts Consultation on Role of Regional Countries in the Afghan Peace Process

Experts Consultation on Role of Regional Countries in the Afghan Peace Process

In collaboration with the European Institute of Peace (EIP), the Heart of Asia Society hosted a seminar on 27 November 2019 focusing on role of regional countries in support of